Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. on February 13, 2001, with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke;  Council members:  Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, William E. James, John J. Miller, Jr., Michael F. Moorman and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert;  citizens and the press.


Mr. Hardy opened the meeting with prayer.


A motion was made by Mr. Moorman and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This motion carried by all ayes.


                                    TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT

Mr. Outten gave copies of a draft noise ordinance, combining our existing noise ordinance with additional restrictions; to Council and recommended that Council study and table any action until the March meeting.


Mr. Outten informed Council of a House Bill and two Senate Bills being considered that would reduce the distance we are allowed to protect our water intake. 


                                    TOWN MANAGER REPORT

Mr. Dean reported that the survey on the St. Paul’s drainage problem was almost complete and he had met with St. Paul’s today and gave them an update.


Mr. Dean had received a letter from Danny Lucy requesting the closing of an alley on Grove Avenue.  After a discussion, this matter was tabled until March.



Council was given a copy of a Resolution to apply for a planning grant in the Goodrich Lane, Davenport Street area.    Mr. Dean stated that the grant would at no cost to the Town. After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Moorman to adopt the Resolution to apply for a planning grant in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for neighborhood improvements in the Goodrich Lane area.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell.  This motion was carried by all ayes.


                                 WORK ON BUDGET FOR FY2001/2002

Mr. Pecht requested that all committees start working on their section of the budget for next year.  Mr. Pecht asked that committees meet before the March meeting and have figures ready so that the finance committee can start on the budget for fiscal year 2001/2002.  The budget has to be ready for Council at the April meeting in order to be adopted at the June meeting. Mr. Pecht also stated that revenues for the year are down and expenditures are up. 


The fire report was in the packets.


                                    POLICE INSERVICE TRAINING

Mr. Hardy reported that the police department and VML held inservice training at the Municipal building on Friday, February 9th and had 18 officers in attendance.  Mr. Hardy also stated that Assistant Chief Newcomb will be entering the hospital for surgery on Friday, February 16th and will be out of work for a month.


The safety report and names of employees attending was in the packets.


                        PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT REPORT

Mr. Brockwell reported that the Property & Equipment committee had met before Council.  Four items were discussed. 1) The new radio station had requested space for their antenna in the municipal parking lot behind their office, however this would be in a storm water run off area and Mr. Dean is to talk with them concerning a different location.  2)  Lawrenceville Methodist Church had requested paving the municipal parking lot at the rear of the Church.  Mr. Dean is to meet with the Church on this matter as this as it also is in the storm water run off area.  3)  Request had been received to see what could be done at Peebles Park to clean up the area.  This is being checked into.  4) A request to put a swing set up at Peebles Park had been received and the Boy Scouts was interested in doing something of this nature.  This matter was also being checked into.


                                                DREAM 2000 UPDATE

Mr. Dean reported that a pre-construction meeting would be held on Thursday, February 14, 2001, for the Hicks Street phase of Dream 2000 (the area from Ken and Sherry’s to the bridge).  Construction should be starting soon.  The surveying for the Courthouse Phase was done last week and we should be receiving plans soon.


                                                TOWN MEETINGS

Mayor Clarke asked the Town Development Committee to meet with Mr. Dean and set up public town meetings to receive impute from citizens on possible businesses that may be interested in locating in Lawrenceville.


Mr. Dean reported that the sewer project is complete and the parts for the water plant came in two weeks ago and we are now waiting on the health department’s okay.


                                    LIONS CLUB – SHRIMP FESTIVAL

Mr. Pecht stated that a letter had been received from the Lions Club for use of the airport on Wednesday, May 02, 2001, for their annual Shrimp Festival.  Mr. Pecht made a motion to approve the request subject to approval by the County and the Airport Commission.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


                                    CODE CODIFICATION MEETING

Mrs. Talbert reported that a meeting was scheduled for Feb. 23rd with the attorney from Municipal Code Codification.  Any council members interested are invited to attend.


                                          PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS

A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Miller to pay the bills as presented in the amount of $74,599.87 and charge to the proper accounts.  Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James, Miller, Moorman and Pecht.


                                                ARTBANK GRANT

Mayor Clarke stated that an application for the ArtBank Grant had been received.  A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to apply for the grant in the amount of $500.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried.



As there was no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adjourn.  This motion carried.







