MARCH, 2001


Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. on March 13, 2001, with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, William E. James, and John J. Miller, Jr.; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Michelle Talbert, Co-Chair American Cancer Society Relay for Life; Town Clerk, Alice Talbert, citizens and the press.


Absent:  Council members, Michael F. Moorman and Robert F. Pecht, III


The meeting was opened with a prayer from Mr. Hardy.


Roll was called.


Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Brockwell carried by all ayes.


                                    HOUSING ENFORCEMENT REPORT

Copies of the Housing Code Enforcement Report was given out to council members.  Mr. Dean was asked to set up a meeting with the Housing Code Enforcement Committee and Mr. LeBlanc.


                                    BRUNSWICK COUNTY RELAY FOR LIFE

Michelle Talbert, Co-chair of the Brunswick County American Cancer Society Relay for Life and Alice Talbert gave a brief review of the Relay for Life planned for June 22 and 23rd at the Brunswick High School football field.  A video was shown and members were encouraged to attend.


                                    PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE

Mr. Outten gave a brief review of the proposed noise ordinance.  Council members were given copies at the February meeting and asked to study.  A motion was made by Mr. James and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to advertise the proposed noise ordinance for a public hearing on April 10, 2001.  This motion carried by all ayes.


                                                SPRING CLEAN UP

Mr. Dean stated that Spring Clean up would again be held in mid April and the town crews would be flushing hydrants in April.


                                                FINANCE MEETING

Mrs. Talbert stated that the Finance Committee would be meeting on Friday, March 16th at 2 p.m. to begin work on the budget.


                                                PERSONNEL REPORT

Mr. Miller made a motion to continue to provide flu shots from the Wellness Center at South Hill for Town employees again next year and to provide Hepatitis B shots from the Health Department to the water and wastewater plant operators at a cost of  $36.30 per shot.  This received a second by Mr. Brockwell.  Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James and Miller.


                                    SALE OF SURPLUS ITEMS

Mr. Brockwell reported that bids had been received on a 1990 garbage truck, an air compressor and the two wrecked police cars. A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to accept the bids received.  This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by all ayes.


                                    VIRGINIA BEEF AND DAIRY FESTIVAL

 A request was received from Brunswick Academy Association to hold the annual Virginia Beef and Dairy Festival on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at the airport.  A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to approve the request with the same conditions as in the past.  This motion carried by all ayes.


                                          PAYMENT OF BILLS

A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to pay the bills as presented in the amount of $109,358.77 and charge to the proper accounts.  Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James and Miller.



There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adjourn.  This motion carried.









