MAY 8, 2001


Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order at 7:45 p.m. on May 8, 2001 with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke;  Council members:  Joyce D. Bland, Wilbur Hardy, Michael F. Moorman and Robert F. Pecht, III;  Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Absent:  Council members; H. B. Brockwell, Jr., William E. James, and John J. Miller, Jr.


Mr. Hardy opened the meeting with prayer.


Roll was called.


Mr. Moorman made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and the minutes of the special call meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by all ayes.


As this time had been advertised for a Public Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed budget, Mayor Clarke declared the Hearing open.  As no citizen asked to speak on the budget, a motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Moorman to close the Public Hearing.  This motion carried by all ayes.


Mr. Pecht made a motion to tentatively adopt the budget as presented with formal adoption at the June meeting, this motion was seconded by Mr. Moorman and voting aye:  Bland, Hardy, Moorman and Pecht.


There was no Housing Code Enforcement Report.


Mr. Hiran Jackson of 603 Windsor Avenue asked to speak to Council.  Mr. Jackson stated that he had been a citizen of Lawrenceville since November 20, 2000.  His first concern was with mail delivery in the last 6 weeks; he had lost three checks.  He stated that he goes into the post office and now gives his mail to the clerk to be hand canceled.  He suggested that maybe a survey  could be done to see how big the problem with lost mail is in Lawrenceville and then see if something can be done.  Mayor Clarke stated that he would write a letter from the Town to the local postmaster and try to get an explanation of the problem.  Mr. Jackson’s second concern was with not receiving a formal notice of deadline on the Town’s decals and the placing of them on vehicles.  His  third concern was not being informed with what was going on in the Council meetings.  He felt the public should be given more information before the meetings.


Mr. Pecht gave an overview of the financial report and also stated that a water rate comparison was in the packet and even with a 5% increase our rates are still lower than surrounding areas.  Mr. Pecht reported that the 5% water rate increase would be effective July 1, 2001.


Mr. Dean reported that Earl Clary was resigning as Fire Chief effective May 14, 2001.  The Fire Department will elect a new chief on May 14 and Council would need to approve the officer before he could be installed.  After a discussion, Mayor Clarke stated that Council would have a call meeting to approve the officer.


Mr. Dean stated that the lights were up at Ken & Sherry’s but we are waiting for the power company before everything can be finished.  Mayor Clarke stated that the lights between Ken & Sherry’s and E. E. Vaughan’s make a big difference and ties the street in with the rest of  the Dream 2000 project.


Mr. Pecht reported that the Housing Code Committee had met with Mr. Dean and Mr. LeBlanc concerning abandoned and condemned buildings.  After a discussion, it was


decided to follow up the enforcement of the landlord/tenant ordinance and the tall grass and trash ordinance.  Letters will be going out to violators of these ordinances.


A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Moorman to pay the bills in the amount of $36,406.08 and charge to the proper accounts.  Voting aye:  Bland, Hardy, Moorman and Pecht.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Moorman and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adjourn.  The motion carried by all ayes.