January 11, 2005


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on January 11, 2005, by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members:  Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, John J. Miller, Jr., Michael F. Moorman, Dean Woodrow Packer and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Admin. Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert, citizens and the press.


Roll was called.



A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file.  This carried by all ayes.



Mayor Clarke took this time to publicly thank all the people who joined the Town in supporting us in our effort to keep the Peebles Store in Lawrenceville.  Many citizens, former citizens, and governmental agencies called, sent letters and e-mails in an effort to prevent the loss of this business. He stated that he hoped the statewide publicity might attract another retailer to come to Lawrenceville.



Mr. Dean stated that work was progressing on the Goodrich/Davenport project.  He has received the permission from Richmond to bid out the pipeline work.  A nine-month extension has been granted and the project should be completed by July.



Mayor Clarke had a Certificate of Achievement from VML in recognition of no claims or reporting all claims within three days from date of injury during fiscal year 2003/2004.



Mr. Pecht gave a brief overview of the financial statement and reported that our audit is late this year due to the new GASB 34 requirements.  A finance committee meeting will be called as soon as the audit is received.



Dean Packer gave the fire report stating the fire department had answered 13 calls in December with one of them being in town.  A total of 221 calls were answered in 2004.



Mr. Hardy reported that the new police car had been received and is now in service.




Mr. Dean reported that the last water test was taken and the results have not been received, however he anticipates the town will have to send out letters again in January to the water customers concerning the TTHMs.  The water department has been working on changes in the system.  Mr. Dean and Mr. Spence attended a workshop in Richmond concerning ways to improve the system to correct this problem. 



Mr. Dean reported that the Jamestown 2007 committee would be meeting on Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. at the Tourism office.  All interested persons are invited to attend.



Mrs. Talbert stated that Mary Lucy, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce is checking into promoting Brunswick County by having a Brunswick Spring Festival in downtown Lawrenceville.  The tentative date being looked at is April 23 as Garden Week in Virginia is April 16 – April 24, 2005.   Mrs. Lucy would like the town to help sponsor this event.  More details on what is needed will be brought to Council at a later date.



A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Moorman to approve the payment of the bills in the amount of $60,231.94 and charge to the proper accounts.  Voting aye:  Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Miller, Moorman, Packer and Pecht. 



Mayor Clarke asked the Town Development Committee to look over the incentive program the Town currently has in place for new businesses and consider removing some of the restrictions.


Mayor Clarke also asked that the Finance Committee consider a line item to be added to our budget to support the Chamber in their efforts to attract businesses and citizens to come to Lawrenceville to shop.



There being no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mr. Miller to adjourn.  This was seconded by Dean Packer and carried by all ayes.






