August 14, 2007


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on August 14, 2007 by Council member Robert F. Pecht, III with the following present:


Council members: Wilbur Hardy, Harry S. Holman, J. Grady Martin, Robert F. Pecht, III and Esther B. Sanderson; Town Attorney. W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Fire Dept. President, James Wesson; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Absent:  Mayor Keith W. Clarke, Council members: Joyce D. Bland and H. B. Brockwell, Jr.



Mr. Holman made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by all ayes.



Sarah A.P. Raible of 402 Thomas Street asked to speak to Council. Ms. Raible stated that as Director of the Library she would like to ask Council to again consider signage for the Library.  She also stated that she feels the crosswalk in front of the Library should have signage to make it safer for children coming to the Library.  Council asked the Town Development Committee to contact VDOT concerning Ms. Raible’s request.


Chief Pond reported that a new stop sign was needed at the intersection of Meredith Street and Hicks Street, in front of E. E. Vaughan’s.  The Streets Committee was asked to contact VDOT on this request.



Mr. Dean reported that a couple problems had come up with the Court on the easements for the Saint Paul’s project but hoped this would be cleared up shortly.


The TTHM for the past quarter was 0.079 mg/L however the standard is 0.080 mg/L based on a four-quarter average and our average for the quarter was 0.089 mg/L.  Mr. Dean stated that letters would be going out this week to all water customers.



Mr. Dean stated that an extension for another year was needed on the High Street CDBG project.  A project overview and status report was in the packets.  Mr. Dean stated that Saint Paul’s College has 4 properties in the project area and a letter would be going to them asking that they respond within 2 weeks as to what they are going to do with the properties.  A motion was made by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mr. Hardy to request an extension to September 1, 2008 on the High Street CDBG from DHCD.  Voting aye: Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.


Rev. Ronald Thornhill, owner of several properties on High Street stated that he had completed improvements to one of his properties, 403 High Street, and is working on another.  He stated that he had had the house at 405 High Street taken down and if Grant money came available he would probably put up another house there.


Mr. Pecht gave a summary of the improvements made by the Grant and explained that the delay in the demolition was due to strings attached to Grant money usage.



Mr. Dean stated that a quote on the generator for the fire department had been received in the amount of $78,415.  Mr. Dean stated that the major cost is due to the electric heat in the fire department and the fact that the generator will have to operate the entire Town building.  The Property and Equipment Committee as asked to look at the quote and report back at the September meeting.  Financing proposals from the company were also included for both 5 and 10-year terms.



Mr. Pecht stated that there were several amendments needed on the Budget. 1) the amount of $20,000 be added to the Selective Enforcement expense line under Police. 2) the amount of $1,900 be added to the Railroad Street Owner Repayment line item in Flow Thru; 3) the amount of $300 added to High Street Grant in Flow Thru; 4) $108,500 added to Truck Loan line item in Flow Thru.  After a discussion on these, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Martin to amend the Budget as stated.  Voting aye: Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.



Mr. Pecht reported that the Town pays mileage at the rate of $0.27 and the IRS says the rate can be no higher than $0.49.  It was his recommendation to change our rate to $0.45 per mile.  This is not an expense the town pays often however the new rate would be more in line with cost incurred when use of personal vehicles is necessary.  A motion was made by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mrs. Sanderson.  Voting aye: Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.



Mr. Martin reported that he had met with Mr. Dean on August 2nd to go over applications and that they would be interviewing this coming week.


Mr. Pecht gave an explanation of the new look to the bills list. The fire department will submit all bills to the Town for Council approval.



Mr. Hardy stated that the Police Report was in the packets.  He stated that all the officers are now trained and certified to carry and use the Taser.



It was pointed out that the new garbage truck is in service. Mr. Martin asked if the town had equipment to keep the truck clean and Mr. Dean stated that the town does have equipment and will keep the truck clean.



Mr. Dean reported that on July 18th the wastewater plant incurred tremendous damage when lightning hit a pole in the yard.  The plant has been run manually for about 3 weeks. 



Mrs. Sanderson stated that the Economic Development Committee is still working on setting up a meeting with young people to find out what they are looking for in a locality.



Mr. Pecht reported that the new terminal building is now going up at the airport.


Mrs. Talbert reported that a letter from the ArtBank was in the packet along with the schedule of events.


Also a list of the members of the Brunswick Garden Club was in the packets along with a list of items they plan to complete.  Mayor Clarke was to send a letter to the Club thanking them for all the work they have done and continue to do at the Cemeteries.



Council was presented with an additional list of bills for approval. A motion was made by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mr. Hardy to pay the bills in the amount of $101,645.46 and charge to the proper funds.  Voting aye: Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with a motion by Mrs. Sanderson and a second by Mr. Holman.



Keith W. Clarke, Mayor



Alice B. Talbert, Clerk ATTEST