A special called meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order on March 25, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:



Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council Members:  Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Harry S. Holman, Scott E. Martin and Esther B. Sanderson; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; and Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson.  Also present Jeff Wells, District Engineer, VDH; Mac Bugg, B & B Consultants and Tommy Johnson.



Absent:  Council Members, Vanessa Y. Jones, Robert F. Pecht, III; and Alice B. Talbert, Clerk.



Roll was called.



Mayor Clarke stated the purpose of the special called meeting is for a consultation with an engineer on proposed water plant capital upgrades.  Legal notice of the meeting has been given as required.  Mayor Clarke further stated that the proposal is actually for the Town of Alberta and that it will impact the Town of Lawrenceville.  Council members were given copies of a section of the B & B recommendations for Alberta that include information on chloramine disinfection and a bubble aeration system.



Mr. Dean gave a review of the monitoring of TTHMs by the Town of Lawrenceville and the Town of Alberta that began four years ago on a quarterly basis.  Operational changes that were made in 2005 resulted in reduced TTHMs to acceptable levels in Lawrenceville and lower TTHM results in Alberta.  Water temperature and time are two things that affect TTHMs and create higher levels.  The Timmons study made recommendations that included Lawrenceville taking two tanks out of service and flushing lines.  One tank has been taken out of service and consideration is being given to the best way to take the second tank off line.  B & B Consultants had Lawrenceville conduct a tracer study last year to determine how long the water stays in the system.  Last week, Mr. Dean received two chapters out of the draft PER (Preliminary Engineering Report) from B & B for Alberta.  He consulted the Water Committee Chairman, who suggested a called meeting for all Town Council members to learn about the proposal.



Dr. Bugg discussed the options suggested for treating the water for Alberta and the process of Alberta’s grant application to VDH.  The deadline is this Friday.  Alberta has not been in compliance with TTHM results and is under a consent order from VDH.  The tracer and computer models indicate that water is in the Alberta system at the farthest point for over 23 days.  The Town of Lawrenceville is involved as the supplier of water to Alberta.  It is recommended that the ammonia feed be installed at the Lawrenceville WTP where skilled operators will be more available.  Dr. Bugg answered questions from the Mayor, Town Attorney and Council Members.  He would like permission from the Lawrenceville Town Council to conduct the 90 day chloramine disinfection test.  The test would show VDH that the two towns are working on the problem.  This would be included in the preliminary engineering report that must be submitted with the application.  Lawrenceville could pull out of the test after 90 days if results were not good for Lawrenceville.  Lawrenceville could require Alberta to be responsible for all costs incurred. 



Mr. Wells stated that VDH has a consent order for Alberta.  The Lawrenceville Town Manager and Water Operator have worked to bring Lawrenceville in compliance but this has not been enough for Alberta.  This pilot would determine if the options would work.  This would be a live test to determine if this method would work, not a lab study.



Mr. Dean expressed concern that Timmons was paid for a report and not all the Timmons recommendations have been followed.  He also expressed concern about possible increased corrosion problems with chloramines and that Lawrenceville not be burdened with expenses for the pilot study that are not budgeted.



Mayor Clarke commented there should be no expense to Lawrenceville for capital or chemicals, only the staff monitoring.



Mr. Outten stated Alberta would have to bear the costs.



There was discussion but no action taken.  Mayor Clarke stated the matter can be put on the agenda for the regular April Town Council meeting.  This will give all council members time for further consideration. 



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by a motion from Mr. Brockwell and a second by Mrs. Sanderson.












