February 9, 2010


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order on February 9, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Douglas R. Pond.



Roll was called with the following present:  Mayor Douglas R. Pond; Council members:  Joyce Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Dora Hardy, Harry Holman and Robert Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr., Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Planning Commission Members, Cindy Pecht, Cheryl Robertson, and Michael Redman; Police Chief, Everette L. Gibson; Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Town Clerk, Alice Talbert, citizens and the press.


Absent: Council members: Scott Martin and Esther Sanderson



As this time had been advertised for a Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission to receive public comment on the rezoning of property located at 710 and 712 Windsor Avenue, Mayor Pond declared the meeting open.  Mr. Dean stated that the property had been zoned public open space in error in 1994 and this request would correct the zoning issue.  The request was to rezone to R-1, Residential.  Mr. Outten stated that the property had been residential use for over 75 years. 


Alfreda Jarrett Reynolds of 711 Windsor Avenue stated that she lived across the street from the property and was in support of any business coming into town and was in support of the rezoning.


As no one else asked to comment on the Joint Public Hearing, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Holman to close the Joint Public Hearing.  This carried by all ayes.


The Planning Commission left to meet and discuss the request.



A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file.  This was seconded by Mr. Holman and carried by all ayes.



Mayor Pond introduced Charles Piluso of the Brunswick Museum and Historical Society.  Mr. Piluso requested the Town Council to give permission for the use of the Old Fire House for the Museum to offer Brunswick County school aged children, Pre-K to 5th grade a place to have after school activities in history and art classes.  The classes would be held from 4p.m. until 6 p.m. one or two times per month beginning on March 3rd and March 10th, 2010.  The Museum will provide all materials and supplies.  Mr. Piluso stated that they would like to start March 1st.  If the program goes well, they would like to maybe offer classes on Saturdays from 10 am until 2 pm.  They would be checking on insurance coverage if permission were granted.  Mayor Pond stated that he felt this would be good use of the building and great for the kids.  Mr. Piluso was asked what type activities would be going on and he stated that there would be painting, finger and oil painting.  He stated that notice would be going out to all 4-grade students and the first 20 to sign up would be taken.  Mr. Holman asked if all students in Brunswick would be notified and was told yes.  Mr. Piluso stated that a different grade would be chosen each month and would be a class of 20 students.  Mr. Brockwell asked about the mess that the paint would probably cause.  Mayor Pond stated that he would personally clean up any paint spills or mess.  Mr. Brockwell also reminded Council that it was the recommendation of the Property Committee at the last meeting that the building be used only for training purposes.    A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to approve the use of the firehouse by the museum with the Town named as additional insured on their insurance.  This was seconded by Mr. Holman and carried.


Mayor Pond thanked Mr. Dean and the town crew for the great job of cleaning the streets during our recent snows.



The Planning Commission returned to Council with their recommendation.  Mrs. Talbert read the following:  “The Lawrenceville Planning Commission met Feb. 9, 2010 and a motion was made by Michael Redman to accept the rezoning.  This was seconded by Cindy PechtAll in favor to accept the rezoning of the property.”  A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to rezone the property to R-1.  This received a second by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean stated that copies of letters from the lobbyist were in the packets.


Mr. Dean handed out copies of the Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails annual report.



Southside Planning Commission had requested the approval of a Resolution applying for a Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Economic Development Grant.  The Town will be applying for this Grant to develop the Trailhead Park and Trail support facility in Lawrenceville.  The Resolution would authorize Mr. Dean to sign and submit the application.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to approve the Resolution authorizing Mr. Dean to sign and submit the application on behalf of the Town.  This was seconded by Mr. Pecht and carried by all ayes.



Mr. Pecht reported for the first seven months of the year, we were about $37,000 behind last year.  Mr. Pecht stated that the finance committee would be meeting to work on the budget and looking at the water and sewer rates.  He asked that all budget requests be submitted.



Mr. Holman reported that the fire department had responded to 40 calls in January with approximately 121.75 man-hours expended.  The details of the breakdown were in the packets.



Chief Gibson reported that he, Mrs. Bland and Mr. Holman and Ms. Draper had met concerning the V-Stop Grant.  He stated they feel they have a plan DCJS will agree to but may be necessary to ask for a 30-day extension in accepting the grant.  He hopes to have a definite plan to present at the March meeting.



Mr. Brockwell stated that the bids on the surplus vehicles had been received and opened and a list was in the packets. The 1987 GMC dump truck had received a tie bid and the Poulan riding mower did not receive a bid.  Mr. Brockwell made a motion to accept the high bid of $900.00 for the 1996 Caprice, to accept the high bid of $175.00 on the 1992 Ford; the high bid of $325.00 on the 1997 Astor Van and the high bid of $300.00 on the 1996 Dodge pickup and to re-bid the 1987 dump truck and the riding mower and to scrap the mower if no bids are received and to include in the bid how tie bids will be decided.  This was seconded by Mr. Holman and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Brockwell stated that the Town Development Committee would be meeting to discuss a letter that will be going out to property owners on listing their property with VA Economic Development.


Mr. Pecht reminded everyone of the ArtBank program to be held on the first Saturday in March at the Chicago Building.



Mrs. Talbert reminded Council members up for re-election to please file before the March 2nd deadline.  Members are Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. Holman and Mr. Brockwell.  Mayor Pond has already filed for re-election.



Mrs. Talbert also stated that Relay for Life has started up and the event will be held on June 18th.



Mr. Pecht made a motion to pay the bills as presented and charge to the proper accounts.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mayor Pond stated that it would not be necessary to go into Closed Session.



A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Ms. Hardy to adjourn, this carried by all ayes.



Douglas R. Pond, Mayor



Alice B. Talbert, Clerk